All cello all the time! Arrangements for duos, quartets, ensembles.

Schubert's Erlkonig for four or five cellos (cello quartet / quintet)

ID: SM-000088368
CompositorFranz Schubert
Arrajador Yellow Cello Music
EditoraYellow Cello Music
Gênero Clássico / Arranjo
chave Sol (G) menor
Instrumentação Violoncelo
Composição paraQuarteto, Quinteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
dificuldade Advanced
descripção A fun, challenging arrangement for four cellos, preferably five if you can find a fifth cellist. Originally for voice and piano, this version also has elements of Berlioz' and Liszt's orchestral adaptations.

Cellos 1-4 each take one of the vocal "parts"
Cello 1: the narrator
Cello 2: the son
Cello 3: the Erlkonig
Cello 4: the father

The accompanying parts are passed around among the players, so nobody is playing endless triplets. Parts 1-4 all get the melody and the opening "horse" theme.

All parts go into treble clef. All parts are difficult, but parts 4 and 5 are easier than the others.
data de postagem 26.02.2012


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